Quick Google Analytics Glossary
Users – Users and Active Users show how many website visitors initiated at least one session on your website during a selected date range.
Sessions – the length of time a user is actively engaged with your website during a selected date range.
Pageviews – The total number of pages visited on your website during a selected date range.
Pages / Session – The average number of pages visited per session during a selected date range, including repeated views of a single page.
Engagement – Any time a user interacts with your website with the most basic actions, like clicking links or scrolling down on a page.
Bounce Rate – The percentage of sessions during a selected date range where a user visited one page on your website and exited without interacting with any elements on the page.
Traffic Sources – how users discover your website through organic search, paid search, referral websites, and direct traffic channels.
Campaigns – track specific ways users discover your website. Google Analytics tracks campaigns created by Google AdWords Ad Campaigns and custom campaigns you create to track specific groups of traffic sources.
Audiences – Custom groups of users which you create to help identify specific types of users in Google Analytics reports, remarketing efforts, Google AdWords ad campaigns, and other Google webmaster tools.
Funnels – The path users take to complete a goal on your website (like signing up for your newsletter).
Conversions & Goals – Conversions represent the number of times users of your website complete a defined action or objectives. Goals measure the specific objectives that you define as valuable for your business, such as a purchase from your online store or submission of a request form.