
Social Media

Branding, professional set-up & training

As a small business setting up and getting started on social media can be overwhelming. However, it can be one of the best ways to connect with your potential customers and engage with your existing ones.

 If you don’t have a presence on the some of the main platforms like Facebook or Instagram, then you’re missing out on an audience or customer base that is only too ready and willing to connect with your brand.

But you don’t need to notch up thousands of followers or have a huge brand campaign to make effective use of these tools.

Digi Nomad will help you put together a plan to suits your needs so that you can reach the right audience for your brand, product or service in a professional and slick style.

Along with setting up your various accounts and linking them all together we can also provide face to face training. Training is customised for your specific needs, taking into account your current skillset and the goals and objectives of your business.

Social Media Training includes:

  • Facebook 
  • Twitter 
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn 
  • Blogging
  • Sprout Social