
Moving from HTTP to HTTPS

Why you need to have an SSL Certificate

HTTPS is near mandatory for websites these days — more than 70% of all websites have an SSL Cert. This secure protocol ensures that all sensitive data passing through your site such as credit card numbers, addresses, emails, are encrypted end-to-end.

Websites with HTTPS also have significant SEO benefits, as Google has been pushing the protocol to enhance security on indexed sites. You might see browsers flag HTTP pages in the URL field as unsecured to users, thus discouraging their use.

The shift from HTTP to HTTPS may seem like a small enough be, but there can be issues with some of the URLs still being indexed as HTTP even months after the change to HTTPS was made. It may be that the redirects are incomplete.

This confuses Google, as it’s a bit like your site is two sites. One of the goals of tech SEO is to make it as easy as possible for Google to understand your website, so you want to assign a high priority to solving this.

(Source: Single Grain)

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